Friday, 27 March 2015

Mar 10th-Mar 13th - Proclamation & Miss USA Location Announcement!

On Monday I went back to Brooks Hill Elementary to help teach the Fairport Karate Academy after-school program with my Mom. A lot of the kids were well-behaved and learned a lot. When training with FKA there is so much more than just learning karate moves, there is respect, discipline, focus, and with the children we teach about stranger danger and what to do if a stranger approaches you.

After karate I went to dinner with my best friend Liz to celebrate her birthday! I felt bad that I was not in town on her birthday so I was glad that we found a time to get together! Happy Birthday Liz! :) The next day I worked at Scott Miller during the day which was fun and then I went to the County Office Building. My parents, Mike, and my best friend Sarah came with me to watch Legislator Fred Ancello and Legislature President Jeff Adair present a proclamation to me. To say I was extremely honored would be an understatement. 

To be recognized for becoming Miss New York USA and for the community service I have done really meant a lot to me. After the ceremony we went to Bonsai restaurant where our friend Russell is the manager and we had a great time! 

The next day I was supposed to work at Scott Miller but we got a couple of feet of snow overnight and it was not stopping so it was a snow day for a lot of businesses. 

I spent the day focusing on planning my meals leading up to Miss USA so that I was not eating as much sugar and making sure to get a lot of protein in order to build muscle. Thursday was Mike's brother-in-law Jon's birthday! I woke up early that morning to watch Donald Trump and Miss USA 2013, Erin Brady, announce where Miss USA 2014 would be held!  

In about ten weeks I would be headed to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to go after one of my biggest dreams! We looked up the host hotel where I would be staying and the address was...

Seven has always been one of my favorite numbers and I when I see important numbers to me I take it as a sign so I got really excited! Later we celebrated Jon's birthday and told him that in a couple of weeks we were all going to Los Angeles to visit Mike and have a vacation together! Later that day I had a Skype session with my pageant consultant Michelle Holmes who owns Joyce's Boutique.

Afterwards I had a meditation session with Mike's family friend Jorge who was in town from Peru. Then I got ready to head to NYC the next day!

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