On Sunday I worked during the day and rushed to the airport afterwards to go home! I had not been home in almost two months so I was very excited!

I took a cab to the airport and the driver first looked very upset when I told him I was going to LaGuardia so I asked if it was a problem and he told me there is a lot of traffic so he loses money. He started to speed down the road and was swerving between cars causing many close-encounters. Cab drivers have a reputation of being crazy drivers but this was on another level. He was slamming on the brakes with just barely enough time to not hit the cars in front of us and I was truly fearing for my life. I wanted to get out but there weren't other cabs available and we were about to go on the expressway. Another cab driver rolled down his window and told my cab driver to calm down but he would not listen. Finally I made it to the airport with my stomach in knots but in one piece!
Bye for now NYC!

My first flight was almost empty and during it I witnessed one of the most beautiful sights there could possibly be. The sunset that night was so incredible that it made me cry. I tried to take pictures but they don't even do it justice. My second flight I sat next to a young lady named Katie who is a medical student at the University of Rochester and we talked the whole flight because we were interested in what each other does and we even knew someone in common!
When I got home and held my kitty Cookie Dough in my arms I started to cry because I always miss her so much whenever I am away from home!
Down the road a Walmart was built so we went to go see that and it was weird seeing this huge store in my little neighborhood. Afterwards we went to go eat at one of my favorite restaurants, Aladdin's, for lunch! Later I met up with Mike at the salon and he surprised us by bringing Massimo his doggie there! Then we brought Massimo home, hung out and had dinner at his house.
The next morning Mike and I went to a Dunkin' Donuts to meet up with our friend Tony, Mike's writing partner, and Nick Dean, a singer from X Factor. Even though Mike has recorded with Nick this was my first time meeting him and it was fun.

We had to leave later so that Mike could go to the chiropractor. His Mom set up an appointment for me the next day but I wanted to watch Mike go first because I had never been before and was nervous. Mike loved it and although it looked a little scary I was going to give it a chance! Later for dinner Mike, my Dad and I ate at Plum Garden Japanese restaurant while my Mom was teaching karate. Later Mike and I went to go see Total Recall at the movie theatre and it was really good! I liked Jessica Biel and Colin Farrell in it and we never saw the original so it was really interesting to us.
The next morning I went to the chiropractor and it felt weird being cracked but then I felt so aligned and open! Afterwards I spent time at home and played with Cookie Dough! (Here is a little video!)
For lunch I met up with my best friend Liz at Biaggi's Ristorante Italiano. It was so good to see her; we had fun catching up and eating yummy food!
Then I stopped by home and then went to Mike's and Scott gave me a haircut! I was going to do a little trim but everyone convinced me to get 3-4 inches cut off so that it would be healthier and I ended up really liking it (of course I like anyway that Scott cuts hair). We had dinner at the house with our friend Michelle from the salon and she made us bananas foster! After hanging out all together watching television, I got ready to head back to the city the next day.
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