Sunday morning my Mom and I walked in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. It is always nice to see the thousands of people supporting the cause!
Later in the day Mike came with us to Powers Farm Market to pick out pumpkins! We got hot apple cider, went through the tepees and looked at the pumpkins. We could not find many good ones so we just got a little one and got more from Wegmans grocery store.
Afterwards Mike and I went to Scott Miller where I practiced a flash mob dance that a bunch of the employees were in on together to surprise Alex and Jon at their wedding! The next day I worked at Scott Miller which is always fun. On Tuesday I went to try on a dress that I picked out for Miss New York USA! I really loved the way it moved and thought it might be the one! Then I went home and spent time with Cookie Dough. <3
The next night we had a bachelorette dinner for Alex! We went to Nikko Restaurant and it was delicious. The salads, sushi and desserts were all amazing and we had such a great time together!
On Thursday Michelle came over and we put together the gift bags for the wedding. The next morning Mike had a fitting for his suit and it looked incredible! Later him and I went out to eat at Char in The Strathallan hotel and everything was so great! We were very surprised to hear that a couple of our friends that we ran into there treated us, that was so generous of them.
After dinner we met up with my Dad and his friend Dave to watch the band Something Else perform! We are friends with the members and they are really talented so I am glad we all got to go. Saturday morning I went to Alex and Jon's wedding rehearsal and then I went to Scott Miller to get my nails done. While I was there I got to see Mike's Aunt Arlene and his cousins Arielle, Casta, Dennise and David!
A night we had a delicious rehearsal dinner at the house catered by Osteria Rocco. Then it was officially the day! A bunch of us got ready at the house with Alex and Silvana did my makeup and Maria did my hair! I felt bad but I had to leave quick to go to a fitting at the mall for The Limited. I rushed back and we headed to the County Clerk building downtown for Alex and Jon to see each other for the first time!
It was a beautiful moment! Then they took pictures with a lot of family and friends which was nice.
After, we stopped at The Strathallan hotel and met up with a lot of the gusts at the bar and then headed to Good Luck where the ceremony was taking place! When I saw the room I was speechless, it was so beautiful with all of the candles and trees. Still, nothing could hold a candle to how stunningly gorgeous Alex looked walking in her wedding gown. A little play on the word candle but seriously her beauty was breathtaking. Helen was the officiator which was a surprise to most of the guests but it made it more personable and she spoke such words of wisdom and love, it was amazing.

The food was so good and the Mother-Son and Father-Daughter dances made us all teary-eyed. Then we did the flash mob to the Spice Girls song "if you wanna be my lover" and Alex and Jon were so surprised! Alex looked so shocked and then stood there with her hands over her mouth and started crying which was so sweet that she loved how we all planned that for them. Then we all did the Horah dance where we danced in a circle and then Alex, Jon and their immediate family members each got thrown in the air in a chair! This was my first time seeing this tradition and it was tons of fun!
I got to spend time with my good friend Dennise who I had not seen in a while so that was really nice! Then we were all on the dance floor having a blast! There was also a huge table of cupcakes and cookies for dessert which I visited frequently haha! Then Mike and Jon's Brother signed as witnesses of the marriage and Helen signed as the officiant so we celebrated some more!
It was such a beautiful wedding and I am so happy for Alex and Jon. Their love is so strong and I am glad that they had the wedding of their dreams! The next morning when we were at the house Alex and Jon opened up Mike and my gift for them which was a custom photo book. There were pictures of them since they have been dating and some of the whole family. As they were going through it they started crying. It meant so much to Mike and I that it had that affect on them because we put a lot of time and love into it. <3 Congratulations you two, we wish you eternal love and happiness!