The next day was my last day at work before visiting home and that evening while working I got to meet Rachel Ray and her husband, as well as the Executive Producer of Project Runway Desiree Gruber! They each dined with us and both were beautiful and nice!

On Tuesday I was flying home! My flight was not until later at night so Sarah and I went to Ristorante Asellina at the Gansevoort Park Hotel to eat. They were participating in Restaurant Week where there is a three-course prix-fixe deal during lunch service. We really enjoyed our meals and had fun trying the interesting desserts. There was a dragon fruit cheesecake with vanilla sorbet that was tasty and a basil-flavored flan with tomato sorbet which was very interesting!
Afterwards I got ready to go home! I took the subway to JFK airport and landed home at 10:30 at night. I had not been home for three weeks so it was nice to be able to visit. Mike picked me up from the airport and I made him play for me one of his new songs he produced! I had been waiting to hear it and it is going to be a #1 hit guaranteed!
The next day Mike had planned events for our Monthversary and it was such a nice day! For breakfast we went to IHop because we love their pancakes. Then we walked around the mall and looked at the cute puppies for sale just for fun. Mike told me we had something to go to at 1:00 and he drove me to an ice skating rink! I had not been ice skating in a while and at first I was shaky. Mike had not been in a while either but was really good at it and eventually I got pretty comfortable too. We got hot chocolate there and then went to Mike's house to see his family and get ready for our dinner reservation.
It was a surprise where we were going to dinner and it wound up being a really cute place called Osteria Rocco! We both started with delicious cauliflower soup and arancinis. All of the food was amazing and the dessert was unbelievable! We ate a frozen chocolate and hazelnut moose that I wish I could eat every day!
During dinner Mike told me that he got movie tickets for that night and when we got there I found out we were going to see We Bought A Zoo! I had been wanting to see that movie and while we were watching it we were saying how bad it was because it was sad at parts and I felt like I was always crying either because of something sad or happy, but really the movie was good! I love animals so much and I always have and after seeing this movie I told everyone that I want a zoo! haha
The next day while everyone was at work I met up with my Dad at Aladdin's restaurant that we love. My parents and I have eaten there since I can remember and the food is inexpensive but so good and healthy for you too!
Later that night Mike and I met up with our friends Dave and Julie for a double date! We tried to go to Olive Garden but they were closed so we all went to TGI Friday's and had a really good time. Afterwards we wanted to see the opening night of the movie Man On A Ledge so we all went and it was really good! I like action movies with a good storyline and a little bit of humor too. Staying awake for the midnight showings of movies is usually hard for me and although I made it through the movie, afterwards I was ready for some sleep!